Constellation Scorpius The Scorpion Blog Post

Constellation Scorpius the Scorpion

 Join us as we unveil the mysteries of the constellation Scorpius.



Symbolism: It is easy to imagine a scorpion when viewing the constellation Scorpius as the Greeks and Sumerians did, however it has had many symbols throughout history. The Javanese people of Indonesia call this constellation Banyakangrem, meaning “the brooded swan” or Kalapa Doyong, meaning “leaning coconut tree.” In Hawaii, it is known as the demigod Maui’s Fishhook. In Chinese mythology, the constellation was part of the Azure Dragon.

 Mythology: In Greek mythology, Orion tried to ravish the goddess Artemis and she sent the scorpion to do away with him. In another version, it was Gaia, the Earth goddess, that sent the scorpion after Orion had boasted that he could defeat any wild beast.

In Hawai’I myths, Scorpius represents the demigod Maui’s magic fishhook, which he used to pull up the islands. He tricked his brothers into paddling their canoe with all their might to haul up each island, which he had hooked using a great and magical fishhook. He told them it was a massive fish.

 When is it visible? July and August are prime-time months for observing this wondrous constellation. In early July, in either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, Scorpius climbs to its highest point in the sky at about 9 p.m. local time. The stars return to the same place in the sky about one-half hour earlier with each passing week.

How to find it? As seen from mid-northern latitudes, such as the central U.S., Scorpius’ arc is low across the southern sky.  From the U.S., the constellation never rises very high above the horizon, so a clear viewing area is needed to observe this gorgeous star pattern. Look for bright red star Antares, whose name means “rival of Mars”, just behind the head of the scorpion.

 History and Science: Scorpius pre-dates the Greeks and is one of the oldest constellations known. The Sumerians called it GIR-TAB, or “the scorpion,” about 5,000 years ago. Due to its location straddling the Milky Way, this constellation contains many deep-sky objects such as the open clusters Messier 6 (the Butterfly Cluster) and Messier 7 (the Ptolemy Cluster), NGC 6231, and the globular clusters Messier 4 and Messier 80.

You can’t buy a star in the constellation Scorpius but you can Name a Star in this ancient constellation known to many cultures.

Constellation Sagittarius The Archer Blog Post


Constellation Sagittarius The Archer

Join us on an epic journey as we unravel the secrets of the constellation Sagittarius, the half man, half horse centaur. Learn the mythology and science behind this August constellation.

Symbolism: Sagittarius represents a centaur, which is a half human, half horse creature with the torso of a man aiming an arrow toward the heart of neighboring Scorpio, the scorpion.

 Mythology:  There are two competing myths associated with Sagittarius.  One identifies this constellation not as a centaur but as the satyr, Crotus.  A satyr is a half-man, half-goat.  Crotus was the son of Pan (the goat-god) and Eupheme (the Muses’ nurse). The arrow in this constellation points towards the scorpion constellation, Scorpius.  It is said that Sagittarius is protecting Orion who is about to be attacked by Scorpius. In another Greek myth, Sagittarius is commonly thought to represent the centaur Chiron, a war-like creature with the torso of a man and the body of a horse. He was a skilled archer, musician, and physician. However, one day Chiron was accidentally shot by Hercules with an arrow that had been dipped in the poison of Hydra. 

 When is it visible? The constellation is visible at latitudes between +55° and −90° and in the northern hemisphere is best viewed during the month of August at 9.00pm. In the southern hemisphere, it is best viewed in the winter.

How to find it? You can find Sagittarius low on the southern horizon during summer.  The constellation resides on one side of the Milky Way, while Scorpius the scorpion resides on the other.

 History and Science: Sagittarius is an exciting constellation to explore, offering the amazing Lagoon Nebula and the Omega Nebula. It is the largest constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. The constellation was known to Babylonians and Greeks, plus earlier civilizations in the Middle East. Several civilizations in the Mesopotamian area associated the constellation with their god of war, variants of the archer-god Nergal. The Arabs named a number of prominent stars in the constellation after parts of a human body and parts of a bow and arrow, indicating that they too associated this constellation with an archer.

You can name a star for a friend or loved one in any of these constellations by visiting Name a Star.

Father’s Day Astronomy Gifts

Father’s Day is coming up, and if your dad is a space enthusiast, you’re in luck! There are a variety of astronomy gifts that are sure to please him. Here are a few ideas:


  • Unique gift: Surprise your father by naming a star after him.

  • Telescope: This is a classic astronomy gift that is perfect for any dad who loves to stargaze. There are a variety of telescopes available, so you can find one that is the perfect fit for your dad’s needs and budget.

  • Binoculars: Binoculars are another great option for dads who love to look up at the night sky. They are smaller and more portable than telescopes, making them perfect for taking on camping trips or to the beach.

  • Star map: A star map is a great way for dads to learn about the constellations and other celestial objects. There are a variety of printed star charts available, plus astronomy apps that dad can install on his phone.

  • Space book: There are many great books about space that would make great Father’s Day gifts. Some of our favorites include “The Universe” by Neil deGrasse Tyson, “The Martian” by Andy Weir, and “A Short History of Nearly Everything” by Bill Bryson.

  • Space-themed clothing or accessories: There are a variety of space-themed clothing and accessories available, such as t-shirts, hats, and mugs. These are a great way for dads to show off their love of space.

No matter what you choose, any of these astronomy gifts is sure to be a hit with your dad. So show him how much you care this Father’s Day with a gift that celebrates his love of space.

Memorial Day Tribute: Naming a Star to Honor Loved Ones and Pets with Lasting Brilliance

Memorial Day Tribute: Naming Stars to Honor Loved Ones and Pets Forever

Honoring departed loved ones and pets through heartfelt star-naming tributes. Stars symbolize eternal beauty and a connection to something greater. Create lasting tributes by associating stars with cherished individuals or companions. Memorial Day holds deep significance, a time to remember and honor the departed. Pay tribute to loved ones by naming stars, and forming personal links with the heavens. Star-naming aids in coping with grief and finding solace in the vast cosmos. Memorial Day serves as a collective remembrance, uniting communities in honoring legacies. Reflect on shared memories with departed loved ones on this special day.

Star names extend remembrance, symbolizing their enduring presence in the night sky. Visit gravesites, hold vigils, and participate in ceremonies on Memorial Day. Honor the impactful legacies left behind by those who have passed away. Naming stars ensures their spirits shine brightly, providing comfort and healing. Stars represent continuity and a connection beyond ourselves, offering solace. Memorializing loved ones through star naming brings comfort and reassurance. Their essence lives on in our hearts and in the stars above. Naming a star as a memorial tribute is a poignant gesture. Link the celestial realm with personal experiences to find solace in grief. Memorial Day strengthens remembrance, honoring those who have departed. Meaningful acts of remembrance ensure the enduring legacies of our loved ones.

When it comes to honoring a deceased loved one or pet, naming a star provides a unique and heartfelt memorialization option. Stars have always held a special place in the human imagination, representing everlasting beauty and a connection to something greater. By associating a star with a cherished individual or companion, we create a lasting tribute symbolizing their enduring presence in our lives.

2022 Veterans Day free meals and restaurant deals around LouisvilleMemorial Day, an important day of remembrance, holds significant meaning in our hearts. It is a time when we honor those who have passed away, paying tribute to their sacrifices. Additionally, it serves as an opportunity to remember our departed loved ones. On this solemn day, communities gather to commemorate their impact and share cherished memories.

Choosing to name a star after a loved one or pet offers a personal and tangible connection between the heavens and our cherished memories. It acts as a constant reminder of their joy and love, helping us cope with grief and find solace in the vastness of the cosmos.

As Memorial Day approaches, we reflect on the memories and experiences shared with our departed loved ones. It is a time for visiting gravesites, attending vigils, and participating in commemorative ceremonies. Incorporating the act of naming a star into this remembrance can enhance the experience, providing a symbolic representation of their eternal presence in the night sky.

Moreover, memorializing loved ones through star naming helps us find healing and comfort. It offers continuity and a profound connection, reminding us that although they may be physically absent, their essence lives on in our hearts and in the twinkling stars above. This realization, especially on Memorial Day, brings solace and the reassurance of their enduring love.

In conclusion, naming a star to memorialize a loved one or pet is a poignant and meaningful way to honor their memory. It establishes a lasting connection between the celestial realm and our personal experiences, offering solace during times of grief. Memorial Day, a significant occasion of remembrance, complements this act by providing an opportunity to reflect and pay tribute to those who have passed away. Combining these elements ensures that the legacies of our loved ones continue to shine brightly, bringing comfort and healing to those left behind.

Constellation Virgo

Look for the Constellation Virgo the Virgin in May and Learn Why She Symbolizes Fertility and the Changing of the Seasons

Constellation-Virgo-The-VirginSymbolism: Virgo the Virgin represented as a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat or ear of corn, symbolizing fertility and harvest. Learn more about the night sky at the Star and Space Blog.

Mythology: Overall, the stories and legends associated with the constellation Virgo often focus on themes of fertility, agriculture, and the changing of the seasons:

  1. According to Greek mythology, the constellation Virgo represents the goddess Demeter, who was the goddess of agriculture, harvest, and fertility. Demeter was said to be the mother of Persephone, who was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld. In her grief, Demeter neglected her duties as goddess of agriculture, causing a great famine on Earth. Eventually, Persephone was allowed to return to the surface for part of the year, which symbolized the changing of the seasons and the cycles of life and death.
  2. In Babylonian mythology, the constellation Virgo was associated with the goddess Shala, who was the goddess of grain and fertility. She was often depicted holding sheaves of wheat or barley.
  3. In Hindu mythology, the constellation Virgo was associated with the goddess Kanya, who was the daughter of the king of the gods. She was known for her beauty and her devotion to the gods.
  4. In ancient Egypt, the constellation was associated with the goddess Isis, who was the goddess of motherhood and fertility. Isis was often depicted holding an ear of corn or a sheaf of wheat, which represented the bounty of the harvest.

When is it visible? Virgo is a popular constellation among stargazers, and it can be easily seen in the night sky during the spring and summer months.

How to find it? The bright star Spica makes it easy to locate Virgo, as it can be found by following the curve of the Big Dipper to Arcturus in Boötes and continuing from there in the same curve.It may be helpful to use a star chart like the ones that you receive from Name a Star, when you dedicate a star to someone.

History and Science: Virgo is one of the most ancient constellations, with records of its existence dating back to ancient Babylonian times.


The galaxy NGC 4380 by ESA/Hubble, CC BY 4.0

One of the most distinctive features of Virgo is the star Spica, which is the brightest star in the constellation. Spica is actually a binary star system, meaning that it is made up of two stars that orbit around each other. Spica is also one of the nearest massive stars to Earth, located just 260 light-years away. Virgo is home to many galaxies, including the Virgo Cluster, which is a group of more than 1,000 galaxies that are located approximately 60 million light-years away from Earth. The Virgo Cluster is one of the closest galaxy clusters to Earth, and it contains several well-known galaxies, including Messier 87 and Messier 49.

Stargazing In Chile

Chile is a paradise for stargazers of all ages and abilities. Learn about the 100 plus designated “dark sky” reserves and Name a Star’s newest licensee NombraunaEstrella


Moonrise over the telescope domes on Cerro Tololo, with the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds visible. (Photo by Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy).

Chile has some of the clearest and most breathtaking views of the night sky in the world. Located in the southern hemisphere, Chile offers a unique perspective on the cosmos, with constellations and celestial objects that are not visible from other parts of the globe.

The Atacama Desert, located in northern Chile, is considered one of the best places on Earth for stargazing. Its dry, clear air and high altitude make for near-perfect conditions for observing the stars. Many professional observatories, including the European Southern Observatory’s Paranal Observatory, are located in the Atacama Desert, making it a hub for astronomical research.

But even outside of the Atacama, the rest of Chile offers plenty of opportunities for stargazing. The country has over 100 designated “dark sky” reserves, which are protected areas where light pollution is strictly regulated in order to preserve the beauty and clarity of the night sky. These reserves can be found all over the country, from the Andes Mountains to the shores of Patagonia.

One of the most popular stargazing spots in Chile is the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, located in the Coquimbo region. This observatory is open to the public on certain nights and offers guided tours of the facility and the night sky. Visitors can also take part in a variety of stargazing events and workshops, including astro-photography courses and telescope viewings.

Name a Star is proud to introduce our newest licensee, Name a Star Chile. You can trust them to provide a unique gift for any friend or loved one. Choose Name a Star for any occasion, including birthdays, holidays, employee recognition, or honoring someone who has passed away.

The best time for stargazing in Chile is during the winter months (June-August), when the air is at its driest and the nights are longest. This is also the best time to see some of the more elusive celestial objects, such as the Magellanic Clouds and the southern hemisphere’s version of the aurora borealis, known as the “Southern Lights.”

Overall, Chile is a truly exceptional destination for stargazing, offering unparalleled views of the night sky and a wealth of opportunities for amateur and professional astronomers alike. Whether you’re a seasoned stargazer or just looking to catch a glimpse of the cosmos, Chile has something to offer everyone. If you can’t visit Chile, you can still name a star in the southern hemisphere.

Stargazer Gift Guide For 2022

Find bargains for the perfect gift for the skywatcher or astronomer on your 2022 Holiday gift list. Check out the ideas below from Name a Star. Stargazers  from beginner to advanced and young to old.

Know someone who is dreaming of becoming an astronaut, but currently a couch potato?  You could start that special person with a good pair of binoculars. If they are ready for a telescope, don’t waste your money on one that is difficult to assemble or too complicated. Here is a list of quality telescopes ranging from $100 to $2,000.

Don’t be confused by terms like focal length, aperture, reflector, and refractor. A reflector telescope uses mirrors and a refractor telescope uses lenses. A Catadioptric telescope combines the best of all of these features.

There are even travel telescopes, so stargazers can take their passion with them. They are lightweight, compact, and easy to set up. If the recipient lives in an apartment or space is at a premium, then this may be the best choice for them.

A gift of the stars is a great way to involve kids in science and a hobby that could last a lifetime. Get t the whole family off the couch  with the book 50 Things To See With A Telescope.

Not all gifts need to be wrapped. Why not plan an entertaining, yet educational group activity, like learning why the moon has craters? Make a dough out of flour and oil, then drop pebbles on this “moon surface” to see what kind of craters they make.

If your loved one has all of the gear they need, then take them on a dark sky vacation. One of my favorites is Kartchner Caverns. Whether it is a visit to your back yard or a trip to Arizona, get outside to enjoy the night sky.

If you really want to send that special person into space, name a star after them. Name a Star offers a variety of Holiday gifts. You can even put a special message on the certificate of registration letting them know what a special friend they are.

Fall And Winter Best Time To View Meteor Showers

Did you miss all of the summer meteor showers? No worries. The best meteor show of the year is coming in November. Learn the times and techniques for viewing nature’s amazing fireworks.

The Orionids meteor shower is active right now and peaks on October 20 and 21. Unfortunately the moon is near full, so you might not see much. Orionids are named after the constellation Orion, because the meteors seem to emerge or radiate from the same area in the sky as the constellation. Learn more about constellations at Name a Star. The meteors are actually dust from Haleys Comet. Be patient more meteor showers are on the way.

Meteors come from leftover comet particles and bits from broken asteroids. When comets revolve around the Sun, the dust they emit gradually spreads into a dusty trail around their orbits. Every year the Earth passes through these debris trails, which allows the bits to collide with our atmosphere where they disintegrate to create fiery and colorful streaks in the sky.

Chart showing number of meteors detected for 10 best meteor showers.
Meteor Shower Chart From NASA Meteoroid Environment Office

A little preparation will enhance your meteor watching experience. Most meteor showers are best viewed after midnight, so dress warmly and maybe pack some hot drinks. Meteors can appear anywhere in the sky. Lay flat to see as much of the sky as possible. A blanket or a beach chair works great.

Find a secluded viewing spot, away from city lights. Give your eyes 20 minutes to adapt to the dark. Avoid looking at your cellphone, if you get bored. The bright screen can ruin your efforts to adjust your night vision. Bill Cooke, the lead for the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, suggests “leave your phone inside“.

The Leonids peak during mid-November each year and are bright and colorful. They are also fast: Leonids travel at speeds of 44 miles (71 kilometers) per second. Orient yourself with your feet toward the east. The moon will only be about one third full, so this may be your best chance in 2022 to see meteors. But wait there is more.

The Geminids are usually the strongest meteor shower of the year and meteor enthusiasts are certain to circle December 13 and 14 on their calendars. The moon will be three quarters full on December 13th, so consider looking at the Geminids around Thanksgiving or Christmas, when the moon is less bright. Take a friend or loved one out meteor hunting and surprise them with a gift of their very own star from Name a Star.

Constellation Lyra The Lyre Of Orpheus Includes Interesting Double Stars

Learn about the double stars of the constellation Lyra and how Orpheus used his lyre to charm women and Hades the god of the underworld. He even saved Jason and the Argonauts from the lure of the Sirens.

 Symbolism: Lyra the lyre, a musical instrument with strings used in antiquity.

northern-constellations-lyraMythology: Lyra represents the lyre of Orpheus, the musician and poet in Greek mythology. There are many stories of Orpheus. In one he saves Jason and the Argonauts when his beautiful music quells the voices of the Sirens as they attempted to lure the Argonauts to their death on the rocky shores of the Sirens’ Island. In another story Orpheus descends into the underworld to bring his wife back to life. Orpheus charms Hades with his melodies, but ultimately fails to bring Eurydice back to the land of the living.

When is it visible? The constellation Lyra is best seen from June through October in the northern hemisphere and much of the southern hemisphere directly overhead. Follow the Name a Star Space Blog to learn what is coming in September?

How to find it? Lyra, the northernmost of the August constellations, is relatively small, and easy to find because its brightest star, Vega (Alpha Lyrae), is the the second brightest star in the northern sky, slightly dimmer only than Arcturus.

History and Science: First catalogued by the astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. Lyra is home to two variable eclipsing stars, Beta Lyrae and RR Lyrae, which are so close together that they exchange mass. These binary stars sometimes appear as one star as they rotate around each other. Beta and RR already have names, but many other binary stars exist that make perfect anniversary or romantic gifts at Name a Star.

The area corresponding to Lyra was seen by the Arabs as a vulture or an eagle diving with folded wings. In Wales, Lyra is known as King Arthur’s Harp (Talyn Arthur), and King David’s harp. The Persian Hafiz called it the Lyre of Zurah. It has been called the Manger of the Infant Saviour, Praesepe Salvatoris. In Australian Aboriginal astronomy, Lyra is known by the Boorong people in Victoria as the Malleefowl constellation. Lyra was known as Urcuchillay by the Incas and was worshipped as an animal deity.

Fathers Day Skywatchers Gift Guide 2022

Looking for a unique Father’s Day gift that gets Dad outside? Check out the ideas below for the stargazing dad from beginner to advanced.

father-son-telescopeWould dad like to get a closer look at the stars without becoming an astronaut? You could start him out with a good pair of binoculars. If dad is ready for a telescope, don’t waste your money on one that is difficult to assemble or too complicated. Here is a list of quality telescopes ranging from $100 to $2,000.

Don’t be confused by terms like focal length, aperture, reflector, and refractor. A reflector telescope uses mirrors and a refractor telescope uses lenses. A Catadioptric telescope combines the best of all of these features.

There are even travel telescopes, so dad can take it with him. They are lightweight, compact, and easy to set up. If you live in an apartment or space is at a premium, then this may be the best choice for dad.

We are talking about Father’s Day, so let’s get the kids involved. Dad and the kids can have hours of fun with the book 50 Things To See With A Telescope. You could also plan a fun group activity, like learning why the moon has craters. Make a dough out of flour and oil, then drop pebbles on this “moon surface” to see what kind of craters they make.

If dad has all of the gear he needs, then take him on a dark sky vacation. One of the newest dark sky locations is in Name a Star’s backyard at Prineville Reservoir. Whether it is a visit to your back yard or a trip to Oregon, get outside to enjoy the night sky.

If you really want to send dad into space, name a star after him. Name a Star offers a variety of Fathers Day gifts. You can even put a special message on his certificate of registration letting him know what a special dad his is.

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